Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lake Jozini

Ok, this entry is actually up to date as in- I'm writing it and posting it now. Did I mention that it is hot here? No, I really mean HOT: AFRICA HOT. As the crow flies Elephants, Rhinos, and Lions aren't far and it comes as no surprise that we are amid their habitat! It has also started to rain like hell in just the last couple of days. This has turned our hill into a mud pit. We'll have to devise a strategy for dealing with that, but we haven't yet. Well, there's not too much to say for now. We're working on establishing ourselves at the schools and working out a program for how we will contribute to the community. I'll be following up on this as developments unfurl. In any case, I mentioned that we are next to Lake Jozini which is a dammed lake. Above is a shot of the dam taken from a newish resort called the Tiger Lodge. We live on the other side- the non-lake side- of the dam the opposite of the direction in which the photo shows. The lake is considerably larger in the direction that you cannot see and we hope to explore it more fully in the future.

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